Color Swatch Template 12 pack + FREE color wheels - printables
Oleander Studios
I made these printable swatch templates so that you can swatch your art supplies without having to worry about making those tedious sections. No more messy swatch sheets :)
This 12-pack of swatch templates gets you:
- 150 PrismaColor Premier Colored Pencils Swatch template - Named (2 files)
- 156 Circle Swatches - Nameless (2 files named: 108 & 48)
- 12 Faber-Castel Polychromos Swatch template - Named
- 12 Circle Swatches - Nameless
- Circle and Square Swatch template
- Color Wheel Ring Template
- Color Wheel Multiple divisions Swatch template
- Pastel Mixing Chart
- All Squares Swatch template
- Triad Swatch template
- Value Range Swatch template
- BONUS: Colored Color Wheels gradient and divided sheet
These templates are A4 size and can be printed and used digitally. You can print them on any paper your printer allows: watercolor paper, bristol paper etc.
Whenever I make a new swatch sheet I'll add it to this file so you'll get an update for free :)
12 + 1 FREE printable color swatch templates
Image Formats
Specific templates?
There are nameless and named templates so that you can swatch any color and art supply.
Refund Policy
Since it's a digital download no refunds will be accepted
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